Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Pantone Perfect

Pantone Perfect, one of two projects we developed for the 2014 Urban Lights Ruhr in Hamm Germany, has been added to our website.

With the assistance of the the Musée d'histoire des sciences de Genèves, Switzerland, we recorded the exact Pantone value of each of the original 52 hues from Saussure's Cyanometre from 1787, and faithfully reproduced them in dry colour pigments. Each hour through the duration of the project, we followed Saussure's rigourous but ultimately futile attempt to measure precisely and reproduce the blueness of the sky. 

For more information on the project please click here.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Views of the West Coast of Scotland

In spring of 2014 the Glasgow School of Art suffered a fire that destroyed the famous Mackintosh Library and all its content. Cristine Garriga, a Master student from Glasgow School of Art, has responded to the fire with a video work called My Bookcase, where through filmed interviews with artists who had books held in the original collection, she is helping to reconstruct the Mackintosh library with stories regarding their books and reconstituting the collection.

Sans façon's contribution to the Library is 'Views of the West Coast of Scotland' which was made while in residency at Cove Park, in 2001. The publication was in collaboration with writer John Calcutt.

For more information about Cristine's project and to see her interview with Tristan click here.

 Photograph: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty